
BlockSiteisabrowserextensiontohelpyoublockdesiredwebsites(domains).Toworkwiththisaddon,simplyright-clickonanywebpageandthenclickon ...,BlockSiteisanappandwebsiteblockerusedbyover5millionpeopleworldwide.UseBlockSitetotemporarilyblockdistractingappsandwebsites.,評分3.5(50,700)·免費·AndroidBlockSiteisanappandwebsiteblockerusedbyover5millionpeopleworldwide.UseBlockSitetotemporarilyblockappsandwebs...

Block Site

Block Site is a browser extension to help you block desired websites (domains). To work with this addon, simply right-click on any webpage and then click on ...

BlockSite: Block Websites & Stay Focused

BlockSite is an app and website blocker used by over 5 million people worldwide. Use BlockSite to temporarily block distracting apps and websites.

BlockSite: Block Apps & Sites

評分 3.5 (50,700) · 免費 · Android BlockSite is an app and website blocker used by over 5 million people worldwide. Use BlockSite to temporarily block apps and websites so you can stay focused.

Cannot block website URL in Chrome Android

I want to block a website URL in Chrome for Android. When I go into Settings, I can find no option to block the website URL completely.

Change site settings permissions - Android

On your Android device, open Chrome Chrome . · At the top right, tap More More and then Settings. · Under Advanced, tap Site settings. · Tap the permission you ... Android · Personalize Chrome... · Personalise Chrome... · Block or allo

How to Block Websites on Android: Complete Guide [2025]

Open Chrome Settings; Navigate to Privacy and Security; Select Safe Browsing; Choose Enhanced protection for maximum security. 4. DNS-Level ...

How to Block Websites on Google Chrome

How to block websites on Chrome on Android Go to the Google Play Store and search for and install your site blocker (like BlockSite). Follow the steps on the app and allow the app to access your privacy settings. Tap the + CREATE button.

How to Block Websites on an Android Phone or Tablet

Open the Configurations tab on Google Chrome's app page under Management > Applications and select Add configuration. Add configuration; Enter a ...

Is it possible to permanently block a website in Chrome in Android?

There's a hosts file in Android, it's in /etc/hosts but you need Root to edit it. Another solution is signing up with a third-party DNS server ...

How to Block a Website on Chrome in Mobile

In this video 'How to Block a Website on Chrome in Mobile,' we'll guide you through the steps to restrict access to specific websites on ...